Saturday, April 3, 2010

Updates on the forefront

Hello again everyone! I apologize it has taken so long to report, but things have been crazy with work, school and of course the family planning process.

I was referred to a specialist in January, where he immediately took action. After two periods and a round of Provera, (Provera is derived from the hormone progesterone. It is the hormone that makes your uterine lining fluffy and prepared to become fertilized. It is also the hormone your body produces right before your period, so once it drops, you start your menstrual cycle.) I was finally started on a drug called CLOMID. This drug is supposed to help ovulation and produce a "better quality egg" as my very strange doctor had put it.

On that note, my doctor... I have never had a male doctor before, and this one is a "girlly" doctor and makes me REALLY nervous. Good thing he is very kind and surprisingly gentle when doing the pap smear. I'm very pleases with my experience.

Anyway, I'm on day three of my 5 day regimen of Clomid, and I am nervous for two reasons...

1. What if it works? THIS IS IT! I mean, in 5 weeks I could be bloated and moody and incredibly happy.

2. What if it doesn't work? Is something wrong with me? A lot of women have reported both getting pregnant on their first and second rounds of clomid.... but what if I'm broken?

I know, it sounds ridiculous.... but I really really don't want to go on prevera again.... It made me gain weight, and get bad acne for a couple weeks no matter how much I washed my face or worked out.

I'm scared... scared I'm broken, scared I'll be a shitty mom, scared of the outcome of this journey. So much bad could happen.....