Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Update Oct 2010

So, for those who are unaware, my husband and I have been trying to have a baby. The only problem - I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS.

The update:
I started with natural, 1 year, and my family doctor. Nothing. I didn't even have a period, and for those of you who don't know - no period means no ovulation.
Then in January of this year, I was referred to an OBGYN. Who is one of the better doctors that I have ever met. Of course, he is a he, and I have never had a male doctor before.

So, I was nervous my first appointment. But, he ended up being one of the best doctors I have met, and I work in the medical field. So, I have been on a drug called Clomid for the better part of this year. I had been increased to the highest dose - 200mg - and I still failed to ovulate.

So, after much deliberation I was referred to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. This guy - I just don't know. I can't tell if I like him or not. He seems judgmental and uninterested. But, I have my second appointment with him on Friday and this time it's an ultrasound whilst on my period. I am thoroughly disgusted by the idea, and I have been having the worst period EVER.

So, now I get a ultrasound while bleeding. Gross. Than I'm not entirely sure what is going to happen. I think its two days of pills followed by injections. The doctor made it seem like this treatment was very reliable and should work. It apparently works for most of his patients with PCOS.

The only problem - the cost. I don't know if my insurance covers it, and I have to pay out of pocket than get reimbursed. My first appointment was 250 dollars, and this next one - minimum 190 dollars. I am very nervous. I may not be poor, but I'm not rolling in the dough either.

The good news, there is hope. My cousin who has a tilted uterus and only one ovary (due to a tubal pregnancy a year ago) is pregnant! It truly is a miracle.

My sister in law that has Lupus is also knocked up. So, there is hope out there. An update to follow Friday night.

I have been skeptical for a while since I have lost 6 pant sizes since January and have seen no results. But when I hear a story about miracles, I can't help but hope.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 2010 Update

My mission to help in assisting those with PCOS and don't understand has taken way. I have been chatting with a few people on another website that have questions about medications and symptoms. So far, I think I have helped a dozen women understand what PCOS is in the long run. It's a good feeling.

On a personal note, I am on month 17-18 whilst trying to conceive and so far no luck. For the last few months it has been a series of Provera and Clomid. For those who don't know what those are - Provera is a progesterone supplement. Its places the hormone in your system so that you can start your period. A women, without PCOS, gets 5-10 days of progesterone in her system after ovulation, if you get pregnant, your levels stay elevated and you don't start your monthly - if you fail to get pregnant, you start your period. So - in other words - not a good thing. I have not been having a regular period lately, and Provera makes me gain weight and be irritable. I was having somewhat regular periods before seeing a fertility doctor and now its getting more complicated than I had hoped. That, and my insurance doesn't cover fertility meds. Its getting expensive.

Clomid is a drug that helps stimulate ovulation. In other words, a fertility drug. I started on a light dose of 50mg and I felt nothing and ... it didn't work. It felt like a ton of bricks finding that information out. I mean, I felt like I was more broken than I had thought I was originally. Then after some more provera, I started 100mg and this time I had hot flashes and cramps. It was no good! Still, no luck. I failed to ovulate again, and its looking grim. Eighty percent of women will ovulate their FIRST month on clomid. I DIDN'T. Which makes the outlook grim. Your chances of it working goes down every month you use it. So, going on month #3 makes it saddening.

So this month I am on day two of provera (of 10) and then I will be on Clomid 150mg cycle days 2-7. I am going to feel like crap, but I have been working out more compulsively than usual. I have been working out daily, and I am determined to get this month to work. I really want a baby still, and every day that passes without one is getting more and more painful.

I do have a buddy in Washington though. We have been chatting, and she is slightly behind me. She has yet to start clomid, but she will soon and she seems just as hurt and broken as I am. to be a craving mother, to have your maternal instincts shattered is more pain than any one person can bare. I am lucky to have a husband to share my feelings with and who listens to my problems, without judgment.

Still, I am hoping to be able to help spread any information I can to those who need it. Symptoms, side effects, medication information, anything. Wish me luck.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Updates on the forefront

Hello again everyone! I apologize it has taken so long to report, but things have been crazy with work, school and of course the family planning process.

I was referred to a specialist in January, where he immediately took action. After two periods and a round of Provera, (Provera is derived from the hormone progesterone. It is the hormone that makes your uterine lining fluffy and prepared to become fertilized. It is also the hormone your body produces right before your period, so once it drops, you start your menstrual cycle.) I was finally started on a drug called CLOMID. This drug is supposed to help ovulation and produce a "better quality egg" as my very strange doctor had put it.

On that note, my doctor... I have never had a male doctor before, and this one is a "girlly" doctor and makes me REALLY nervous. Good thing he is very kind and surprisingly gentle when doing the pap smear. I'm very pleases with my experience.

Anyway, I'm on day three of my 5 day regimen of Clomid, and I am nervous for two reasons...

1. What if it works? THIS IS IT! I mean, in 5 weeks I could be bloated and moody and incredibly happy.

2. What if it doesn't work? Is something wrong with me? A lot of women have reported both getting pregnant on their first and second rounds of clomid.... but what if I'm broken?

I know, it sounds ridiculous.... but I really really don't want to go on prevera again.... It made me gain weight, and get bad acne for a couple weeks no matter how much I washed my face or worked out.

I'm scared... scared I'm broken, scared I'll be a shitty mom, scared of the outcome of this journey. So much bad could happen.....

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Las Vegas

So, as you can probably determine from my previous post, I am very stressed out with all this baby making stuff. Well, Im going to vegas for new years. It is 7 hour drive and I have friends down there to stay with for a few days.

The down side:
My husband has to stay here.

The up side:
Its fucking vegas baby!

Im staying with my good and old friend Jose (he's gay so my husband is not worried in the slightest) New Years eve we'll probably go out on the strip, and then fri and saturday Im on my own. He works, so Ill be out to journey the town. Sunday he has off so we'll probably do lots of stuff. So it should be an alright trip. Sucks I have to drive down there all alone, but cool I get to see Jose again.

My husband has his guy weekend. My dilemma.... should I be concerned? NAH. We've been together forever, and married for three years. We're past the honeymoon stage, but not to the "im sick of you" stage, so no worries here.

I won't drink tho, just in case.

Monday, December 28, 2009

As the battle continues

When I began to write this, I hoped to get to those who were as lost as I was when I was diagnosed. I was feeling so motivated since I had worked so hard, and done all I could to get better. That included eating healthier, taking vitamins, working out, and learning everything I could.

I feel that might come to an end.

The symptoms have come back with brute force. The enemy, I fear, is near.

I have been having severe acne, and mood swings like you would not believe. My poor husband has had to endure my wrath, more so than he should. I feel really bad about this. He shouldn't have to listen to me rant on about nothing.

For example - my sister. My sister and I are fighting about nothing. Well, I should specify the battle is mostly one sided on her end. She had promised another family member she would baby sit about a couple weeks ago, and I was unfortunately ill. When she called and requested I take her place on her promise and I refused to watch kids for fear I might be contagious, she flipped out. Since then she has blamed me for everything. She has a history of burning bridges and lying, but I never thought for a moment this would effect us. We had a sisterly bond, and she has left it as if leaving a favorite sweater behind on a vacation. You want it, but you're too proud to turn around and get it.

On top of that, I took a pregnancy test today - negative. Although it's early. I should test the forth, but I fear it is going to be negative. I have been having abdominal cramps again, and that means one of two things - period or PCOS.

I wish I could explain accurately the intensity of my displeasure for this, but I could not give my feelings justice - even if I tried. I feel like I want to cry, or scream, or even both. A year has past since my husband and I have decided to have a baby, and when hope is near, it was snatched away. Sometimes I feel like a higher power is punishing me because of my lack of faith. Then he teases me, than punishes me again. The feeling is.... painful.

However, my working out has improved dramatically. My mile time is 10:54 in high altitudes, without breaking a sweat, which helps me feel better about myself. I also was able to go shopping and buy new pants, a size I have not been in years. Two years to be exact. I haven't felt this good about myself since... never. I even went ahead and spent more money on the good pairs instead of the cheap ones just so I know they will last. Shopping - good for the woman's soul... or mind at least.

For those who are battling the same battle, I wish you good luck. I know how it feels, and how everything is different for us because we can never be sure because of PCOS. Its hard not knowing. Its hard not having definite answers. It's just hard. I just hope my story can help you, and possible even motivate you to do whatever it is your trying to accomplish. Whether it be a baby, or that new job you want.

For those who do not have PCOS, pray, or hope for us is all I ask. This battle is almost a fight that cannot be won. Its a shameful reality, but it's there. I wish there as a way to explain how horrible of a disease this is, and how hard it is to overpower and come to terms with it.

Think of it this way, you're a woman with impossible odds. A reduced chance of having a child of your own, and almost no way to lose weight. Do you have any idea what that does to a person's self esteem? Its... indescribable. All I know is I was 18 years old once, fit - size 8... than four months later I was 40 lbs heavier and emotionally traumatized.

I know there are things to help calm PCOS, and I have tried. I have tried so hard. I work out, I take my meds, I check my blood sugar, and now I feel like all hope is lost. I feel broken, and that feeling is horrible.

So please, all of you, wish me luck, and hope.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Over the course of the past three years, since my unimaginable diagnosis of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) I have gone from giving up, to unbelievably dedicated.

For the few who may not understand what PCOS is, it is the leading cause of infertility in women. Some may not even know they have it. It is, however, very common.

With this diagnosis, accompanied symptoms. Ones that I hadn't thought about, but were. Like hair grown on the body, hair loss on the scalp, weight gain, irregular to no periods, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, and acne.

I had gained 40 lbs in a few months, and had no idea what was going on. It came at me with a vengance. It seemed I had accumulated all the symptoms at once. It was rather embarrassing to me. I mean, here I was, a newly wed, gaining weight, losing hair, and being stressed out. I had never thought it was all part of something "common".

After I was diagnosed, and my wonderful husband helped me through the aftermath of the horrible infertility diagnosis, I gave up. I didn't care I could become diabetic because of this. I didn't care my cholesterol could raise to the point of possible stroke, and at merely 18 years old at the time. I gave up. Completely.

It wasn't until I had gained more weight, and an all-time high weight of 211 lbs. (When I was diagnosed, I was 150 lbs.) I had also been officially diagnosed with type two diabetes. Now, I work with type one diabetics, so I know little about type two, but when I was officially diagnosed, it was like a light flipped in my head. I should not only get better for me, but for kids, and for my husband. I was sick, VERY sick, and I had made myself that way. I had ignored the obvious and used it as an excuse. I was no longer going to allow that.

I snapped into gear. I revved my engine, and drove at an all time high.

I began to work out (at first 6 days a week) and eat healthier. My goal - to have a normal period. I had not had one in a year at this point, and if we were to have kids, this would need to be my first goal. Weight was no longer an issue, just the ability to bear children would be enough.

I worked out. At first, unable to run a mile. I joined the military at a young age, and used to be able to run two miles without hesitation, and now, I was unable to run a mile without feeling as if I would die of suffocation. I felt shameful. (This is just to prove this can happen to anyone.)If I would be able to have a normal period, than I knew that infertility would not be an issue for me. Then the battle would lie solely with weight.

Six months later, I can not only run a mile, but I can do it in 10:38 while working out 3 days a week. I can also, on top of that, go 10 minutes on an elliptical, and jump-rope without breaking a sweat. I have also lost 12 lbs. Over the past 5 months, I have also had three natural periods. Natural. Meaning drugs had nothing to do with them. A feat indeed. I know, 6 months and only 12 lbs - its rather disconcerting, but anything is better than nothing, and another symptom is inefficiency for losing weight. I knew that would be a battle, and just hoped for better health instead.

The better news.

I had a blood drawn and I have also successfully ovulated. Although, with PCOS, we cannot be sure if the follicle developed into an egg instead of a cyst, but we can be hopeful. the fact my hormones were in normal ranges to specify ovulation is a hopeful secure sign.

The opposing side to this rampage-
I had avoided high cholesterol until now. Although getting everything else in check, my cholesterol has sky-rocketed. My husband has been very helpful on this journey with me, and I am very thankful he can love me after this horrible escapade. But our journey is not over yet. I can only be more thankful he is still by my side.

So, until the forth, I am clueless to know if I have been able to successfully conceive. If I had, I should be due in September 2010. But, if I hadn't I fear I might slip into a depression I may not be able to get out of.

Taking bets:
I say September 11th 2010 - boy
My husband: September 13th, 2010 - boy
My friend: December 25, 2010 - girl (says I won't conceive for two more months)